
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who Makes Goldman Sachs Look Like the Boy Scouts?

The company is Glencore. It is a commodity trading firm in Zug, Switzerland.

Originally, Glencore went under  the name of  Marc Rich & Co.. For those who don't remember Rich, he was a commodities trader in the US in the 1970s, who  made a few billion dollars by committing fraud. Essentially back then, President Jimmy Carter had some stupid law that legally separated old oil and new oil. It was a complete legal fiction, with the only difference being in the price. As I recall, I think old oil had a lower price than new oil. 

The purpose was to smooth out the rampant petroleum  price increases that were occurring  at the time, after the Ayatollahs took over Iran and kicked out America's stooge, his highness the Shah. 

Basically all Rich did was swap the paper work for old oil and new oil. In other words, he bought old oil, then claimed it was new oil, and hence was assured a substantial profit for every physical trade he made in the commodity. 

Well eventually, with this being so obvious, and a few billion dollars later in Marc's bank account, even the stupid US  Attorney General's office became aware of what happened.  Rich then promptly fled the country, and eventually he and his money wound up in Switzerland. For reasons not explained, the US authorities never bothered pursuing him. But of course the reason is obvious. Rich, most likely, simply made well paid "contributions" both in Switzerland and America. 

Then about twenty years later,  after Rich had been indicted, Billy Clinton decided, during his last days as president, to make a generous gesture to the persecuted of the world. For an undisclosed sum, he pardoned several infamous criminals of all charges against them. Marc Rich was one of the criminals that received Billy's  blessing. 

Of course, being a businessman, Marc liked to keep active. So what better idea than to found a commodity trading firm in Switzerland, of which Glencore is now the descendant. 

But Glencore is no ordinary commodity trading firm. Though most of their dealings are clandestine, and they have a policy of omartra that would make the Mafia look like blabber mouths, people in the commodity business claim Glencore actually controls,  or manipulates, many of the world's essential commodities. 

Supposedly this is not done through paper transactions such as derivatives or forward contracts.  But by actually buying up and taking possession of  the entire physical supply of a certain commodity, in certain critical areas of the world. One suspected example of this occurred a few years ago in Southeastern Europe, when manufacturers there discovered that their Russian suppliers of aluminum didn't have any metal to sell. This seemed strange when the area was suffering its' own mini economic crisis. UC Rusal, the world's largest aluminum producer, claimed its' entire inventory had been sold. Upon inquiry, it was supposedly discovered to be on a train somewhere in Switzerland. 

And supposedly Glencore made at least a 20% profit on that deal. Who lost? The factory workers in Southeastern Europe. 

Apparently this is only one of many instances, others being - American steel workers, Bolivian minors, and food distribution in Africa. Guido suspects the large oil "contego" in the United States also involves Glencore. Basically, this is the withholding of oil, already delivered to  the US, from being distributed to the American economy, by keeping it in storage facilities  and ship tankers off the gulf coast. A simple analogy would be having so many tons of water  delivered to a desert town, with someone buying up all this water before it was sold to the general public. Obviously thirsty people would pay more for the water. And just as obviously, if  physical oil is withheld from the American market,  it's price will go up, no matter how depressed the economic situation. 

So, you American workers having to commute to work, just remember - you can thank Glencore for making you poorer. 

It is remarkable that the United States Federal government hasn't done anything about this. Even in  ancient Babylonian times, the authorities were aware of this type of rigged price fixing, and prevented it by executing criminal speculators and their entire family. That was one, among several reasons, why the practice suddenly stopped. 

I guess the Obama administration and Congress  must be appreciating  the bribes, aka campaign contributions, that are probably being made by Glencore.

"Behind all great fortunes lies a crime." - Balzac


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