
Friday, October 2, 2009

On the Light Side - Guido Saw It, Guido Kicked It

< Please see the previous Sept 28 article   "See It, Kick It - A Simple Inflation Test" for some background to this story. >

Sauve que Peut, I know I said there would be no more inflation / deflation talk. But we all need a laugh, compagno. Like Elvis Presley said when making that movie Harem Scarem  - "If we can't have a laugh while doing this, we might as well not do it." Whereupon he promptly had the movie director chastised. < And I don't mean with the anointed oil .>

So what did Guido kick, both literally and figuratively. Well, it was a pair shoes. Guido needed a new pair of sneakers, so he could play one-on-one soccer. with his mia amica Zito.

Naturally, you buy a pair of shoes at a shoe store. Unless you live in Naples. Then you just steal them, if you're any kind of a man, or woman for that matter.

But Guido gasped when he saw the price for a pair of shoes. It seemed to cost more than a year ago. At every store the price of shoes seemed to be more. Well Guido finally bought some shoes, though he bit his knuckle while paying. Then I decided to do some Guido research on the price of footwear. Sadly every sales person in every shoe shop told Guido prices have increased from a year ago. Some guessed 5%. Most guessed 10%.

Aye, Saint Christopher, where is all this deflation that some economists  keep talking about.  Please tell Guido where I can find some of this deflation. I would like lower prices also.

Somehow they remind me of the way Zito plays soccer. Every time he gets the ball, Zito runs with it the wrong way and makes a goal for the opposing team. This can seem funny to the spectators. But when the losing team has to buy the pizza  for the winners, it is no longer amusing. Needless to say, Zito remains on the bench unless the team is very desperate.

If Americans want lower prices, they should wish for a much higher dollar, as some are forecasting. Also be sure to wish for this in a benign way, with no unnecessary financial mishaps. Such as the world economically crashing.

Guido hopes the deflationists are right. Pretty soon I'll have to buy a new soccer uniform.

"Ridicule hurts our honor more than does dishonor itself." - Voltaire


Anonymous said...

OMG Guido you idiot, you're drunk. Go sober up.


Anonymous said...

Guido's not drunk. He can't even afford a 40 of Mickey's.


Anonymous said...

To Mz

A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, but not you beside me - and I am in paradise. < Guido murders Omar Khayyam >


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