
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Social Comment by Madame Zucco - The Palin Curse

In the last few days, there's been a couple of stories about Sarah Palin visiting Hong Kong. It seems she went there to give a speech to "high powered" investment fund managers, who are usually people that gamble with other people's money and always have an excuse when they loose it. < Like, we didn't know Lehman Brothers would go bust. Which begs the question, that if they really knew their job, more than half of them would have anticipated this as a high probability and prepared accordingly. >

What I'd like to know about Sarah Palin's trip, though, is who paid her way to go there, how much she was paid to go there, and who wrote her speech. Because you can be sure she didn't do this for free. And you can also be sure she didn't write her own speech. I mean, my God, the woman can barely say three coherent sentences at the same time in sequence. She even made Joe Biden look half intelligent in the Presidential debates, which is a feat I never thought anyone could accomplish.

One might ask how Sarah Pailin ever won a political election in the first place, let alone became Alaska's governor or a US VP candidate. . Well, she's not the only dummy, whether woman or man, who has got elected to public office without having any idea what they're doing. .

The way this usually works, is that people like Sarah are popular in the community. In her case she was pretty < especially by Alaska standards if you've ever seen the women there >. So they get approached by the people who really run things behind the scenes and tell people like Sarah what to do. She doesn't run for election. It's a marketing campaign. Both before they're elected and after election, people like Sarah are told what to say, what law bills to sign, who to appoint, etc. Essentially they're like a little trained circus dog with a set of postures and behaviors. Such as, shake that person's hand < give it a little squeeze > , ok now smile, or give this usual recorded answer like - " That' a very good question, and we've been looking into it."  But always, always Ms. Palin keep smiling. Sarah is good at smiling, and  saying absolutely nothing. Or when she does talk, it makes as much sense as a baby's goo goo's. Sometimes it even sounds like that.

But Sarah Palin is not an anomaly. Today in America she is the norm. The majority of elected representatives may be a little more intelligent than Sarah, but not by very much. All of them are still basically told what to do. There's a nexus here of media tycoons, wealthy businesses / individuals, and entrenched government interests like the military that need these people to be the facade of politics.

This is why things are in such a mess. Time has made these economic dinosaurs obsolete. It's the internet and cyber world that are the new media, not monopolistic newspapers. It's high tech that is the new industry, not big oil. And it's enlightened people  that should have evolved in international relations. Not the barbaric use of military force.

These entrenched interests will destroy America in their quest to keep their status in society. They're too stupid to realize that they should adapt, rather then perish and take everyone else down with them.

This is the REAL Palin curse. That people like Sarah are in public office to serve these interests. Instead of doing what is best for all American citizens.

< Hey GUIDO. I have a quote to end the article. Are you happy now??? >

"Why, you were just a little clerk when I first saw you. I put you in that governor's chair. And I can take you out of it just as easily." - Spencer Tracy in the movie Broken Lance


guido said...

Yes, Madame Zucco, Guido is ecstatic. Howver, you can dispense with the levity

madame zucco said...

Oh why dont you go stuff it you Guido dreb JK And Guido better be jk too if the drip knows whats good for him.

MZ still loves Guido. MZ still loves Guido LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa OMG

guido said...

K k Madame Zucco. Yes, yes I was only saying a funny. I surrender. Like always you are victorious.

madame zucco said...

You betcha I am, you big stomboli

Lol this is getting fun.

Ok enough already. Peace Comrade

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