
Friday, September 18, 2009

On the Light Side - Don Quixote Still Lives

A few years ago, some individuals thought it would be a good idea to abolish the US Federal Reserve. Back then they were a little ahead of their time. And today it looks like they're still ahead of their time.

One individual, an investment advisor, thought he'd post his enthusiasm for this  on the internet. Like most cyber prophets, he was summarily gang FAQed for his efforts. But Guido respected his courage, and privately sent him this email of support. < The email has been condensed and any name references have been changed or blocked out.This was done to protect the innocent. Namely me, Guido. Also bear in mind, that it was written in 2008 when Bush was still President > -

"Well, ****** old buddy, I figured you were going to be in trouble when you wrote that suggestion. Of course, we already know the Fed is a corrupt joke. But for the general public, this is a shocking concept. "Why, said Louis VI, "this is rebellion." "No sire, his minister replied, this is revolution."

From the comments on *************

Mr. Rick - "at least audit the Fed" Yeah sure. That'll do a great deal of good. Rofl Being a *********************************, I can only say good old Rick has no conception what goes on with most audits. Hey Rick, why do you think all the stock analysts even 20 years ago were relying on cash flow info, rather then the rest of the financial statements. If you need me to answer that, quit wasting your time trying to be an investing genius and turn over all your money to a ************* or ***************  fund, or *****************.

Mr. Mick- "It's truly hard to imagine that our Harvard educated financial leaders"  Mick, I got news for you. None of these bozos went to Harvard, and it would really be questionable on an objective measure whether many of them are even educated. You're thinking Mick back to 1960 when we had a president who graduated from Harvard named Kennedy, who had all kinds of staff and assistants  and cabinet members with degrees from real universities. Today is different, Mick Now it is the age of Bubba.

Mr. Dick - "Getting rid of something doesn't address the problem" Dick sounds like a serious  man and I will reply seriously to him. Well Dick, old buddy, liquidating them may not address the problem, but it's sure going to feel good. Gee I guess we should have had Dick during the American Revolution. What were those guys called who said getting independence from Britain doesn't solve the problem? No I don't mean traitors. It's a nice word. But as for me, I'll take the Sons of Liberty any day. What this country needs, Dick, is more Sam Adams, whose printing biz went bust. Hey, Sam may not have been very sharp financially, Dick, but there was always plenty of beer around his place and it was FREE. Give me that kind of liberty any day dude. "

< It just took me a couple of minutes to compose that. Only a few glasses of vino was needed. >

Talking about getting rid of the Federal Reserve is like chasing the wind. It's not going to happen. Even if America had a revolution bloodier than Mao's. Like the flu, Central Banks will probably always be with us. Or at least as long as nations exist.

And very seriously, it's not the US Federal Reserve that's the problem. But the incompetent dummies that are the staff  and management.

Years ago Guido had to call the Federal  Reserve  to check on these T Bills owned by this private firm. < Yes, private entities can have accounts at the Fed. After all it's still a bank. >  The lady who answered the phone had no idea what she was doing and refused to transfer me to someone who did. Guido then called this US Senator's office and spoke to the Senator's Treasury liaison staff. Though officially they are not suppose to have contact with the priesthood of the Central Bank, the staff liaison was nice enough to straighten out the problem. Besides, it was an election year.

Rather than abolishing the Fed, it would be a good idea to abolish Bernanke and do a complete personnel reform of the institution itself.

"There is no greater immorality than to occupy a place you can not fill." - Napoleon


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