To begin, there are several health care reform bills in Congress. No one knows which will be enacted or how its' original proposals will be changed / altered. < A great way to start a debate, not knowing what's being discussed. >
One reform President Obama has stressed as necessary is a public health insurance program.The one big monster standing in his way is named Blue Cross / Blue Shield.
Blue Cross seems to want to insure everybody until they reach age 50. Then it's basically drop dead if these over 50s are not on some group health plan. Oh, Blue Cross will tell you they have over 50 plans. After all the Feds before Obama mandated they do this. But a lot of it is half ass. Like they'll pay for bifocals, but the other bi lens in the focal is approximately the size of a baby's thumbnail. Then there's all these mandated HMOs that must be used, some of the staff grossly incompetent. I could continue, but I think that's enough to stomach.
President Obama should be saluted for facing this social and economic problem. Like other Presidents he could have ignored it or made a minimal effort < Remember Billy Clinton, Hillary and that Idiot Ira Magaziner? > It is a noble cause. And regretfully like most noble causes, it will probably flounder.
The simple solution would have been to adapt a successful health care system that works - like in Canada or France, rated the best in the world. Government consultants from either country could come here and help the US implement it < I'm sure the French would love the chance to tell the Americans what to do. >
But that hasn't happened. Instead there's a dazzling array of proposals, some of which may have intentionally been designed to confuse and obfuscate. Debate is good. That's democracy. Sadly, though, democracy doesn't seem to be working too well in America these days.
Guido's big fear is that they will enact a health care bill that will only make things worse. After all, Congress over the past .several years has managed to have a proclivity for doing this.
Lets hope for the best, but expect the worst.
"Myself when young did frequent doctor and saint, but evermore came out the same door as in I went." - Omar Khayyam.
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