
Friday, August 28, 2009

About Guido and This Website's Mission

"In today's financial markets you have to be quick. Guido is there. Not first with the news.  But best with the insights."

The purpose of this website is to provide opinions and perspective about the financial markets, and the general world or national economies. Though I will on occasion mention what investments / speculations / bets I will personally be doing with my own money, this website is in no way offering or otherwise purporting to give investment advice.

In these times deciding what to do with your money and other assets is a very difficult task. I will be writing this website as if I am sending emails to various acquaintances in the financial business, whether the media, certain money / hedge fund mangers, or self made independently wealthy individuals. These individuals are few in number. But I have immensely learned from them.. 

Therefore this website will assume it's readers have a certain amount of knowledge about financial and economic matters, as well as some interest in world history. If you dont, I would strongly stress that you do obtain that knowledge whether or not you read this website. Managing your money and other assets is a constant learning and edifying process. And in these times no one can afford not to be the manager of their own destiny. It doesnt take rocket science to have a basic grasp of the concepts. If someone is confusing you in a long esoteric spiel, it is many times an indication they do not know their subject. Hopefully this will never be the case with Guido. 

From deep knowledge comes simple explanations.

As you've already guessed, Guido is not my real name. Really I was reluctant to start this "blog". But a few in the media and financial milieu have urged me to do so. And since one of the best professionals in the internet business offered to set up this "blog" with no initial cost on my part,  it was "an offer I could not refuse". 

The name Guido was taken from the fictional character Guido Guerrieri. He is a sort of an Italian Perry Mason created by Gianrico Carofiglio,  who has written several books with this protagonist. Some of these books have been translated by Bitter Lemon Press into English. Bitter Lemon Press was started by some European Investment bankers who read these and other non English books in their original language and thought others might enjoy them in the English speaking world. Like good investment bankers, they got somebody else's money for the project, my understanding being the taxpayers of Great Briton. 

I have no connection or acquaintance with either Bitter Lemon or Senior Carofiglio. But I do enjoy both the publisher's and author's books. 

And I sincerely hope that you both enjoy and will be informed by my contributions to this website

Good Luck to Everybody.


Anonymous said...


A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, but not you beside me - and I am in paradise < Guido murders Omar Khayyam >


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